
Evening the Score Chapter 18 Teaser!

Chapter should be posted Thursday or Friday! Thanks for all your patience!

So I need a little liquid courage and discreetly consume three glasses of pino noir. Everyone else does too. We’re all pretty happy. Laughter is contagious. Currently Esme, Edward’s mom, is telling stories of his first little league soccer game when he was five.
“So he ran in the opposite direction to the other team’s goal! He... he... oh...” Esme is having trouble finishing her sentence through all the hysterical hiccups of giggles. Luckily, Carlisle, Edward’s dad finishes the story for her. But he’s not fairing much better. His face is already red from the laughing fit that attacked him earlier.
“Oh, Edward was just so excited. He thought everyone was cheering him on when in fact the coaches were yelling at him and waving him down to run the other way!”
I die. By this point, I’m already peeling over on the sofa, hugging my stomach and wiping tears from my eyes. I hear Edward huff impatiently.
“Okay, laugh now. I’m glad you’re all amused. I was five for crying out loud! My teammates weren’t doing any better. If I remember correctly, Timmy Roberts ran right off the field!  At least I kicked the shit out of that ball and made the goal!” 
I glance at him to see if he’s as irritated as he sounds, only to find a smile tugging on his lips. He catches my stare and his smile widens until he’s joining us in our gigglefest.
I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun. Being here in such a comfortable setting the Edward and his parents is a telltale sign of how far I’ve come. I want this. I want all of it. The laughter, the family gatherings, the love and support.

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